With every piece of ‘smart’ technology we develop, we increase our dependence on connectivity. As our buildings and communities begin to demand more bandwidth, as board members there are real decisions to be made about how to keep up. If you’re finding your current methods to be slower than anticipated or lacking in customer service, it might be time to look beyond traditional cable companies and discover fiber optics.

In the interview below, David Ramos from Hotwire provides us with a wealth of education and information. We’ve learned:

What Fiber Optics actually are and how they are superior to cable

What long-term growth of internet demand means and how you can keep up

How 5G works and how fiber optics are connected to it – and more importantly, how your buildings may be able to take advantage of it

Why you should run from anyone who claims 100% uptime

How Hotwire services are practically hurricane-proof

How Hotwire, despite being a medium-sized business, it is competing with the big names in the market and earning awards in the process

From overcoming obstacles, doing things that seemed crazy, creating a system that works, wins awards, has an amazing staff, and is headquartered right here in Florida, Hotwire is not your typical company and the service they provide is anything but typical. To learn more about what Hotwire can do for your community contact David directly at (786) 431-7652 or dramos@hotwire.com, or you can take advantage of the depth of their website to learn more, at www.hotwirecommunications.com.